AFAM 004-001 –
Educational Equity Scholarship and Community II

AFAM 004-001 – Educational Equity Scholarship and Community II
Spring 25
The purpose of the second-semester seminar is to support scholars' success through demonstration of engaged scholarship through course curriculum and co-curricular program opportunities at University Park. This course is taught by the Office of Scholars Program staff as a living-learning program, with monthly seminar meetings and required programs through the Educational Equity Scholars Special Living Option (SLO). This unique structure provides an experiential education experience, which supports students' transition to college through campus engagement, encouraging a sense of belonging, and the development of self-awareness and self-advocacy skills. The course will also allow scholars to continue opportunities to develop relationships with key leaders, multicultural leadership, and resources across the University Park campus that will lead to their continued growth and strengthen emerging academic skills. AFAM 4 further challenge students to think more deeply and critically about the concepts of goal setting, reflection, responsibility, critical thinking, engagement, community, and ethical decision-making that were introduced in AFAM 3.
Joseph Appel